Sunday 6 April 2014

Angelica archangelica

Angelica archangelica [Image]. [2014]. Retrieved from:

Common name: 
Senna Pods 
(Hoffman, 1983, p.175).  
Latin binomial:
Angelica arcangelica
(Hoffman, 1983 p.231).

Parts used:
Roots and leaves are used medicinally; the steams and leaves are used in confectionery (Hoffman, p. 1983, 175).  
Active contituents:
  • Essential oils including phellandrene and pinene, 
  • Angelica acid, 
  • Coumarin compounds
  • Bitter principle
  • Tannin 
(Hoffman, 1983, p. 175).  

  • Carminative
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Expectorant
  • Diuretic
  • Diaphoretic 
(Hoffman, 1983, p.175). 
  • Angelica is a useful expectorant for coughs, bronchitis and pleurisy, especially when they are accompanied by a fever, cold or influenza (Hoffman, 1983, p.175).
  • The leaf can be used as a compress in inflammations in the chest (Hoffman, 1983, p.175).
  • Its content of carminative essential oil explains its use easing intestinal colic and flatulence (Hoffman, 1983, p.175).
  • As a digestive agent it stimulates appetite and may be used in anorexia nervosa (Hoffman, 1983, p.175).
  • It has also been shown to help ease rheumatic inflammations (Hoffman, 1983, p.175).
 None known 

  • Infusion: put a teaspoon of the cut root in a cup of water, bring it to the boil and simmer for two minutes. Take it off the heat and let it stand for 15 minutes. Take 1 cup three times a day (Hoffman, 1983, p.175).
  • Tincture: Take 2-5ml of the tincture three times a day  
(Hoffman, 1983, p.175).  

For bronchial problems it combines well with coltsfoot and white horehound; for digestion, flactuence and loss of appetite chamomile (Hoffman, 1983, p.175).


Hoffman, D. (1983) The holistic herbal. Element books: Dorset.

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