Sunday 6 April 2014

Tylophera indica

Tylophera indica [Image]. [2014]. Retrieved from:

Common name: 
(Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht, 2013)

Latin binomial:
Tylophera indica  
(Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht, 2013)

Parts used:
(Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht, 2013)

Active constituents:
Major constituents of Tylophora include tylophorine and tylophorinine alkaloids

(Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht, 2013)

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antihistamine
  • Antispasmodic
  • Diaphoretic
  • Expectorant
  • Laxative
(Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht, 2013)

  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Rheumatism 
  • Dermatitis
(Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht, 2013)

  • Known allergy/hypersensitivity to Tylophora.
  • Not recommended due to lack of sufficient data.
  • Tylophora asthmatica has been reported to have abortifacient properties.
(Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht, 2013)

  • Use cautiously in patients with diabetes, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia, hypertension and edema.
  • Avoid in patients with serious infections, organ transplantation, major systemic disease or major recent surgery.
(Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht, 2013)



  • Doses of 250mg once to three times daily, standardized to 0.1% of tylophorine per dose, and doses of 30-60mg twice daily standardized to 0.15% of tylophorine have been reported anecdotally.
  • One clinical trial reports using 350mg of Tylophora leaf placed in a capsule and given once daily for 7 days.
  • Another clinical trial reports using 0.5mg of alkaloid Tylophora in powder form given once daily to asthmatic patients for 6 days. The patients were instructed to place the powder on their tongues to allow the powder to mix with the saliva and then swallow with a half ounce of water.
  • 200mg of Tylophora leaves have been crushed into a powder form and placed in a packet in another clinical trial. The patients were then instructed to take two packets (400mg) daily for six consecutive days.

Dried Herb:

  • Anecdotal evidence notes use of Tylophora leaf taken in the amount of 200-400mg dried herb daily.
  • A clinical trial reports the use of one Tylophora leaf taken orally daily in the morning for 6 days.
  • Another clinical trial by the same author used one leaf of Tylophora daily for up to 12 days in asthmatic patients.


  • Tylophora leaf tincture has been given at doses of 1-2mL per day for up to 14 days (anecdotal).
  • One clinical trial reports the use of 40mg of alcoholic extract of Tylophora indica daily for 6 days. 
(Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht, 2013) 


Gasparyan, McGarry, Basch, Sollars,Ulbricht. (2013). Natural standard professional monograph.

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