Sunday 6 April 2014

Thymus vulgaris

Thymus vulgaris [Image]. [2014]. Retrieved from:

Common name: 
(Bone, 2003, p.431)

Latin binomial:
Thymus vulgaris 
(Bone, 2003, p.431)

(Bone, 2003, p.431)

Parts used:
(Bone, 2003, p.431)

Active constituents:
  • Volatile oil, including, thymol 30-70% (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Carvacrol 3%-15% (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Cymol (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Borneol (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Linalool (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Tannins (10%) (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Flavonoids (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Triterpenoids (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Expectorant (Bone, 2003, p.431)
  • Respiratory spasmolytic (Bone, 2003, p.431)
  • Antiseptic / Antibacterial (Bone, 2003, p.431)
  • Ruberfacient (Bone, 2003, p.431)
  • Antimicrobial (Bone, 2003, p.431)
  • Anti fungal (Bone, 2003, p.431)
  • Carminative (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Anthelmintic (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Astringent (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Anti spasmodic (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)

  • Primary, Dry, tickly or nervous cough (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Bronchitis (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Cough and catarrh  (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Asthma (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Pertussis/ whooping cough (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)
  • Gargle for: Laryngitis, Throat infections, Tonsillitis, Halitosis, Gum disease, Candida, Cystitis Secondary, Sluggish digestion, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, Gastritis, Colic and flatulence (Hoffman, 1983, p.231)

  • Avoid in patients with a known allergy/hypersensitivity to thyme, its constituents, or members of the Lamiaceae (mint) family.
  • Avoid topical preparations in areas of skin breakdown or injury, or in atopic patients, due to multiple reports of contact dermatitis. 
  • Medicinal thyme is not recommended during pregnancy or lactation, due to lack of sufficient data. A 1975 review of plants as possible new anti-fertility agents classified thyme as an emmenagogue and abortifacient. Thymol was a constituent in an abortifacient paste.
  • Thyme was recommended as an appropriate detergent for female intimate hygiene during pregnancy and lactation

  • Use cautiously in patients on antihypertensive therapy or those with low blood pressure, as based on animal study, thymol may lower blood pressure and theoretically may increase the risk of hypotension.
  • Use cautiously in patients at risk for hormone imbalances, as thyme has demonstrated estradiol and progesterone receptor-binding activity in vivo, although this has not been systematically studied or demonstrated in humans. Also, based on laboratory study, 5% thymol in ethanol may increase the flux of luteinizing-releasing hormone. Additionally, based on further laboratory research, thymol may inhibit testosterone-induced transcriptional activity.
  • Use cautiously in patients with gastrointestinal irritation or peptic ulcer disease, due to anecdotal and published reports of gastrointestinal irritation.
  • Use cautiously in patients with thyroid disorders, due to observed antithyrotropic effects in animal research on the related species Thymus serpyllum.
(Basch, Bevens, Chao, Conquer, Costa, Gorenshteyn Hammerness, Iovin, PhD (Natural Standard Isaac, Rusie, Sollars, 2013). 



  • General: Anecdotally, 1-2g of thyme extract daily in divided doses; 2-3 drops of thyme oil on a sugar cube 2-3 times daily.
  • Cough: Syrup of thyme for a period of five days (250).
  • Upper respiratory tract infection: Secondary sources have recommended drinking tea made by steeping 1-2g of dried herb in 150mL of boiling water for 10 minutes, several times daily as needed for symptom alleviation. Other recommendations include 1-2g of extract in fluid or one cup water up to three times daily; 20-40 drops of liquid extract (1:1 weight/volume of fresh leaf or 1:4 of dried leaf) three times daily in juice; or 40 drops of tincture (1:10 in 70% ethanol) up to three times daily.


  • Periodontal prophylaxis: Recommendations from secondary sources include 5g of dried leaf per 100mL of boiling water for 10 minutes, strained (5% infusion). Thymol is a constituent in some combination mouthwash products such as Listerine and varnishes such as Cervitec; see individual products for dosing instructions.


  • Rheumatic disease, bruises, skin disorders (compress): Secondary sources have recommended 5g of dried leaf per 100mL steeped in boiling water for 10 minutes, strained, and applied as a compress.
  • Skin disorders (ointment): 1-2% of diluted thyme oil as an ointment applied as needed has been recommended anecdotally for a variety of skin disorders.


  • Agitation in dementia: Thyme oil placed on an absorbent fabric sachet and pinned near the collarbone every three hours for two weeks has been used without evidence of benefit.
(Basch, Bevens, Chao, Conquer, Costa, Gorenshteyn Hammerness, Iovin, PhD (Natural Standard Isaac, Rusie, Sollars, 2013).  

For asthmatic problems it will combine well with Lobelia and Ephedra, adding an antimicrobial affect. For Whopping cough it can be used with Wild cherry and Sundew
(Hoffman, 1983, p.231). 


 Basch, Bevens, Chao, Conquer, Costa, Gorenshteyn Hammerness, Iovin, PhD (Natural Standard Isaac, Rusie, Sollars. (2013) Natural standard professional monographs

Bone, K. (2003) A clinical guide to blending liquid herbs; herbal formulations for the individual patient. Churchill, Livingstone: Missouri.

Hoffman, D. (1983) The holistic herbal. Element books: Dorset.

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