Sunday 6 April 2014

Solidago virgaurea

Solidago virgaurea [Image]. [2014]. Retrieved from:

Common name: 
Golden rod
(Braun & Cohen, 2010, p. 555)

Latin binomial: 
Solidago virgaurea
(Hoffman, 1983, p. 193)

(Hoffman, 1983, p. 193)

Parts used: 
Ariel parts 
(Hoffman, 1983, p. 193)

Active constituents:
  • Triterpene saponins
  • Flavonoids; including rutin
  • Catechol tannins
  • Bitter principle
  • Volatile oil  
  • Phenol glycosides
  • Phenolic acids
  • Polysaccharides
(Braun & Cohen, 2010, p. 555)

  • Diaphoretic
  • Anti-catarrhal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Carminative
  • Antiseptic
  • Diuretic 
(Hoffman, 1983, p.203)

  • Upper respiratory tract catarrh both acute and chronic
  • Flactulence dyspepsia
  • Urinary anti-inflammatory and antiseptic 
  • Cystitis, urthritis
  • Used to promote wound healing
  • As a gargle can be used to treat laryngitis and pharyngitis
(Hoffman, 1983, p.203)

  • Contraindicated in people with a known allergy to Golden rod.
  • Has been known to cause allergic reactions after systemic application
  • Has been known to be used for copious fluid intake to assist in reducing microorganisms in the urinary tract, however this shouldn't be taken under edema resulting from impaired cardiac or renal function exists.
(Bone, 2003, p.246)

Known allergy
(Bone, 2003, p.246)
  • Infusion of dried herbs: 0.5-2g into 150ml of boiled water for at least 10 minutes 
  • Fluid extract (1:1) g/ml: 0.5- 2ml taken 2-4 times daily between meals
(Braun & Cohen, 2010, p. 556)

For upper respiratory catarrh it can be used with Cudweed, echinacea, poke root and wild indigo (Hoffman, 1983, p. 193). 


Bone, K. (2003) A clinical guide to blending liquid herbs; herbal formulations for the individual patient. Churchill, Livingstone: Missouri.

Braun, L. Cohen, M. (2010) Herbs and natural supplements; an evidence-based guide. Elsevier: NSW.

Hoffman, D. (1983) The holistic herbal. Element books: Dorset.

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